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The certified and professional coaches at Zacks Coaching are experts at helping you identify your life or business goals and achieving them.

We believe in the power of the individual and focus on the client's inate tools for success, happiness and achievement. 

Zacks Coaching clients can expect qualified coaches to employ successful coaching techniques and exercises to get you to where you really want to be. Coaching methods include:

Neuro Linguistic Programming - Solution Focused - Choice and Reality Coaching - Positive Psychology -  TEAM, GROW and SMART models





David Zacks

Head Business and Executive Coach

I am an executive director with 15 years at board level in a large multinational medical equipment company. I am experienced in coaching, mentoring and training managers to improve behaviors and performance outcomes and change management. I am a member of the British Psychological Society and holds a certificate in Aptitude Testing and I specialize in Occupational Psychometric Testing; profiling the right person, for the right job.


Shlomo Zacks

Head Life Coach

My background is in psychology and pastoral counseling. Since training as a life coach my focus has been on coaching individuals, couples and groups towards success and satisfaction in life. Coaching expertise includes: Career, dating and marriage, family and  Relationships, Health, Education, Positive Self- Awareness and Self-Improvement.

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